As the ever growing topic of measuring social media ROI, well….grows – you will see many different thoughts, theories, solutions and general ramblings about how to measure the increasing issue of cash-gain vs. social media activity and deliverables. It’s a complicated topic to approach but that said, it’s most certainly not quantum mechanics…

A direct return could come in the form of saving a few thousand dollars on your print ad-spend by way of recommendations and word of mouth from your following and fan base. It could come in the form of a great blog, showcasing your products, services and awesomeness. It may be a number of things, but the main factor is that each social media account, user, company, stalker are totally different in their approach to needs and wants from social and digital media. This is where brands and companies need to tailor their approach to social media measurement. ROI isn’t just ‘Return on Investment’ – it’s also a case of ‘Return on Interaction’

Take the time to have a read through some more of our detailed thoughts to understand more…


ROI Measurement of Social Media Activity